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Running Journal: Day 1.

Hit or Miss

Running Journal: Day 1.

“6/6/00 – 151 lbs – 1w,2r,2w,2r,2w,2r,2w,2r,2w,2r,1w > 20m”

So I’m pumped up about my new running program, which comes from the great book that Max sent me. I went out this afternoon and bought a scale to weigh myself and a new watch that has a chronometer on it. My 20 minutes of exercise this evening alternated between running and walking for 2 minutes each. Usually I have no interest in exercise at all, so I figure I can make myself do this if I slavishly follow the time guidelines in the book.

I think I’ll follow Elan’s lead and keep the journal on my Palm so I can celebrate when I run out of room for new entries.