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2000 May

Hit or Miss

Entries from May 2000

Bridget Jones’s Weblog.

127 lbs, alcohol units 3, cigarettes 16, calories 2250, linked to 5 sites (v. good).

Been reading Bridget Jones’s Diary. V. funny. As I read it, I can’t help but wonder how it would have turned out had it been written with Blogger. Kept picturing links to all the products and foods she writes about. Book cover (American version) would have made for neat blog design.

Oh yeah, Renée Zellweger is filming a movie version now. As much as Hollywood tinkers with films, you’d think they would have changed it to a weblog.

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Early Edition Season Finale

Early Edition Season Finale. Tonight’s episode gave me goosebumps. Gary finds out that the previous recipient of the paper had saved his life 24 years earlier, knowing that he would someday inherit the paper. Gary then meets the young girl who will utimately follow him! Wow.

I really hope EE manages to escape the ax again for next year. At three years, EE is the longest running cult show I’ve been a fan of (I’m still stinging at the cancellation of CUPID).

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Residents mourn loss of friendly gator. This sounds too much like the Simpson’s Spring Break episode Kill the Aligator and Run.

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The Lord Kicks Ass in Mysterious Ways. Still mourning over the fact that Kirksville doesn’t have a WB station (no more Buffy), I wandered down to the TV lounge tonight and discovered that a) we have the SciFi Network and that b) I was just in time to watch Good Vs. Evil, which I’ve missed since it left the USA Network. I guess I can rekindle my crush on Clayton Rohner now.

Speaking of crushes, I could seriously form a crush on Jessie. Check out his “dorky photos.” Almost makes me want to write something in Obscene but not heard…


Missouri sucks.

I failed the written drivers test today (even after studying the manual yesterday in the public library). They told me I could take it again, so I drove back to the library, studied the book, returned, took the test again, barely passed it, got the worst driver’s license or ID picture I’ve EVER had, and then drove BACK to the library so I could finally get a library card.

Then I spent the afternoon reading magazines in the library.

I am so bored. The cable doesn’t work in my dorm room and I don’t know anyone in town.

After attending a large public university, I wanted to return to the slow pace of a small college like the one I went to for undergrad. And now that I’m actually here, I can’t believe how much I miss the fast paced life I led in Bloomington at IU.

I hope I didn’t make a mistake.


When I grow old.

As I ate lunch at McDonald’s today, I watched a group of 10 or 12 senior citizens who were all eating together. It got me to thinking about what kinds of things I’ll be doing when I’m their age. When I think of my grandparents, I think of them reading books, listening to vinyl records, and playing BINGO. I do all of that now (well, except for the playing BINGO part). But my grandparents don’t know how to use computers, surf the internet, or even program a VCR. Someday, in 2050, will I be sitting in the corner of an old folks home coding HTML and listening to MP3s?


Get well soon

Get well soon. I must have given Jason my sinus cold.

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Brad, you “Show Me” yours and I’ll show you mine.



Jay beats me on the straightacting.com quiz (But I think I beat Tim). According to the quiz, I’m

    A few people might suspect that you might not be a heterosexual. No one knows for sure, but there are rumors about what you’re doing on the weekends. Most of your traits are straight acting but a few traits you have are causing people to wonder, but nothing is so apparent that anyone is sure enough to bring it up.

Damn. I bet I would have scored higher if it weren’t for those questions about showtunes.


Linux and Palm

I tried a bunch of different programs to syncronize my Palm with my Linux box. J-Pilot is easily the pick of the crop.

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