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Back to the Future

Hit or Miss

Back to the Future

Jeff’s been on a bit of a Back to the Future kick lately, his favorite films. He just got the newly released complete score soundtrack yesterday, and listening to it he couldn’t help but interject with lines of dialogue. I’d forgotten what a great score it is — I’d rank it in the top movie themes with Star Wars and Superman.

Continuing with the time travel kick, we just watched the UK film Frequently Asked Questions about Time Travel (Dr. Who meets Shuan of the Dead) and now Jeff is on the couch reading The Man Who Folded Himself.

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1 response so far (Respond)


I’ve never seen that movie but I’ve heard good things. Maybe next time we get together we can watch it! BTW…never seen Star Wars (just bits and peices) or Dr. Who! I know..I’m not cultured.

Katie Kingston | 11 May 2010