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The answer to life, the universe, and everything

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The answer to life, the universe, and everything

32 (my age as of Sept 9) + 7 (the age of my blog as of Aug 25) + 3 (the number of years Jeff and I have been together as of today) = 42.

3 responses so far (Respond)


WOW! That’s incredible! And so romantic! It tops any of Arthur Dent’s responses. You’re brilliant! Congratulations on your anniversary! Look forward to your 42nd anniversary togther.

Chris | 4 Oct 2006

Congratulations on all the numbers. Where have those years gone. Good grief. Well done.

Morrie | 28 Oct 2006

Congratulations on all the numbers. Where have those years gone. Good grief. Well done.

Morrie | 4 Nov 2009