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Real-World Weblogs.

Hit or Miss

Real-World Weblogs.

Kind of. Two members of the New Orleans cast of THE REAL WORLD, Matt (who uses the “m@” contraction that I used to have on my website) and Julie (I wonder what BYU thinks of her having a website. Are Mormons allowed to use the internet?), use Scribble to run the journals on their websites.

6 responses so far (Respond)


Thanks for the URLs on the Real World weblogs! Jeez, Matt’s commentary on each episode is going to add a whole new dimension. Nearly half of the group have webpages this time- previously I only knew of Joe Patone who had one WHILE his show was running. Judd Winnick has a pretty good one now, but it was started years after his series. Julie seems to have undergone some changes in the course of filming- the person that comes across in the first few RW episodes doesn’t seem like the same person who inhabits her webpage!

Sherrie Williams | 5 Jul 2000

How do you find this stuff? Serendipity? You seem to just have a knack for finding such esoteric material! Crazy…

At any rate, to answer you question about Julie… Yes. Mormons are allowed to use the internet. Mormons aren’t Amish… I’m Mormon, and I use the internet (and although that statement is just chuck-full of logical errors, you get the idea). There’s even an official web site for the Church.

Of course, your question may have just been a witty commentary on Julie’s naiveness: which seems to be the only part of her character that the folks over at MTV want to examine. It’s a shame, really. I imagine that she’s a much more complex and engaging person than the TV show portrays.

End of sermon. =)

Vis10n | 5 Jul 2000

Now either you’ve got one helluva text parser that formatted the link, or you were kind enough to edit the text for me… either way: pretty cool.

If it’s the latter and not the former, is there something I should be doing to properly format any links I might include? Should I just surround the reference text in a standard anchor tag?


Vis10n | 6 Jul 2000

hey matt [or “m@” as the case may be] — you rock my world for this one! thanks!


rebekah jude | 6 Jul 2000

hey Matt…I thought Julie wanted you so bad, I think everyone new that. Why didn’t you give her a chance? She is a cool girl, I thought you guys where going to hit it off from the beggining, but I guess I was wrong…Well, thanx for listening…PEACE

Mervet | 10 Aug 2001

Thanks for the URLs on the Real World weblogs! Jeez, Matt's commentary on each episode is going to add a whole new dimension. Nearly half of the group have webpages this time- previously I only knew of Joe Patone who had one WHILE his show was running. Judd Winnick has a pretty good one now, but it was started years after his series. Julie seems to have undergone some changes in the course of filming- the person that comes across in the first few RW episodes doesn't seem like the same person who inhabits her webpage!

Sherrie Williams | 4 Nov 2009