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Hit or Miss

Obama & McCain tax cut plans redrawn to scale

Obama & McCain tax cut plans redrawn to scale

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John McCain Gets BarackRoll’d

John McCain Gets BarackRoll’d

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Obama & McCain at Columbia University

I heard a rumor the other day that Columbia was trying to get Obama & McCain to appear on campus, since they will both be in New York for 9/11 next week.  And lo and behold, CU pulled it off.  Instead of a debate, it’ll be another Rick Warren-style set of back-to-back interviews.  There will be a students-only lottery for tickets and I have theatre tickets that night anyway, but I’m still trying to figure out if there’s a way I can volunteer to attend as a staff member…

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An Egghead for the Oval Office (Eugene Robinson: washingtonpost.com)

An Egghead for the Oval Office (Eugene Robinson: washingtonpost.com): Why we need a smart president (or as I like to think of it, after a fat pope you need a thin pope). I’d love to see Gore in the White House, but the guy I’d really like see clean up our domestic messes is NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis

Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis: A “Mary Poppins” song parody.

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McSweeney’s: Things I’d Probably Say If The Bush Administration Were Just A Weekly TV Show and I Were a Regular Viewer

McSweeney’s: Things I’d Probably Say If The Bush Administration Were Just A Weekly TV Show and I Were a Regular Viewer: I miss the silly days of “That’s My Bush!” on Comedy Central.

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