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Hit or Miss

Counterfeit Eggs in China

Counterfeit Eggs in China: Artificial eggs, which look and taste like the real thing, but could cause dementia when consumed in large quanities.

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KonoPizza: Cone-shapped pizza. Why hasn’t this come to NYC yet?

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Macaroni and Lots of Cheese

Macaroni and Lots of Cheese: Mac & cheese commentarty from the NY Times.

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The Swedish Feeding Trough

The Swedish Feeding Trough: “Furniture giant IKEA lures customers with homey interior landscapes and cheap warm meals. But more and more people are starting to use the stores as an ersatz for social services and babysitting.”

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Demystifying Diet Coke(s)

Demystifying Diet Coke(s): Diet Coke is actually sugar-free “New” Coke.

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Surprising Expiration Dates

Surprising Expiration Dates: A handy, who-knew guide for 77 foods, beauty products, and household goods.

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A Taste of Suburbia

A Taste of Suburbia: Chain Restaurants that are Hard to Find In or Near New York City. I’d kill for a Sonic Burger and Milkshake.


Create fire with a can of Coke and a chocolate bar

Create fire with a can of Coke and a chocolate bar

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A hundred places to eat for under $10 in NYC

A hundred places to eat for under $10 in NYC

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50 things to eat before you die

50 things to eat before you die: I’ve eaten 36 of them.