Warning: Declaration of ThemeSwitcherWidget::update($new_instance) should be compatible with WP_Widget::update($new_instance, $old_instance) in /home/kingston/hitormiss/wp-content/plugins/theme-switcher/theme-switcher.php on line 0

Hit or Miss

Any consensus on ‘responsible’ linklogging?

Any consensus on ‘responsible’ linklogging?: Tom Coates asks for feedback on how people use linklogs, and in what way linklogs can be of any use to other people.

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Absolutely Del.icio.us

Absolutely Del.icio.us: Extensive list of tools to use with del.icio.us.

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Sorting Del.icio.us Most Popular by most recent

Sorting Del.icio.us Most Popular by most recent: Bookmarklet which sorts delicious links based upon the ratio of popular to recent.

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del.icio.us tag stemmer

del.icio.us tag stemmer: De-dup your delicio.us tags by identifying common English word stems.

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Folksonomies – Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata

Folksonomies – Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata: Examines how Flickr and Del.icio.us use user-generated tags to organize items.

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