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Upcoming TiVo Press Conference

Hit or Miss

Upcoming TiVo Press Conference

TiVo is holding a press conference March 2 and the speculation is they’re announcing a new device (TiVo Premiere) and hopefully a new user interface.

I’d love to see new features added (apps, Hulu, better online scheduling, public posting of my Now Showing / To Do list on the web, etc), but I’m weary after seeing how slow & clunky the last new feature (TiVo Search) was (I never use it). My experience of viewing TV for the past decade has been framed by the TiVo interface — I hope they don’t fuck it up.

I had a dream last night about a new TiVo UI and it used Comic Sans. It made me cry.

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1 response so far (Respond)


I haven’t decided quite where I stand on the fact that you dream about Comic Sans. But there’s something about that detail that makes the dream truly chilling.

ay | 14 Feb 2010