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iPod Touch

Hit or Miss

iPod Touch

Yes, this is the iPod I’ve been waiting for: the ipod Touch. Basically, it’s the iPhone without the phone — but it does have WiFi and the Safari browser built in.

Basically, I’ve been wanting some kind of internet table to keep by the couch so I can look stuff up on imdb.com while watching TV without having to go to my computer. Added to the fact I’ve been wanting to replace my aging iPod, it’s a no brainer.

But why don’t I get an iPhone instead? AT&T’s data plan sucks, I prefer the Treo, and I have a super sweet/cheap Sprint voice+data plan I bullied my way into getting that I don’t want to lose.

4 responses so far (Respond)


a) just for imdb? Can’t you do that with your treo?
b) Unlocked iPhone? I mean, I know it’s only semi-legal and a patch will render the unlocking software useless…but it will be available in real life soon…
c) Okay — it is pretty cool. Definitely something I’d consider as a replacement for my palm when it dies…but i get over 20-hours of battery life out of my iRiver…
d) Don’t you miss having these conversations in person when i’m going to and from class?
e) I’m told you’re down a few clipboards. It was not me. I always used my own clipboards. Yours were lighter cork than mine, and probably 3 blocks north of me right now in a bag of Lizzie’s stuff in her new apt.
f) I should stop procrastinating and do homework.

ay | 5 Sep 2007

Yeah, I can do IMDB on my Treo, but WiFi is much faster. I went ahead and preordered the new 8MB iPod Touch; but if word surfaces that the new lower priced iPhone can be easily used without activating it, maybe I’ll cancel my order and get that instead… the Touch doesn’t have the camera, bluetooth, Email, or Google Maps.

Matt Kingston | 5 Sep 2007

Hopefully you can get one for your birthday? 🙂 (Happy birthday!!)

Jason | 9 Sep 2007

Yeah, I can do IMDB on my Treo, but WiFi is much faster. I went ahead and preordered the new 8MB iPod Touch; but if word surfaces that the new lower priced iPhone can be easily used without activating it, maybe I'll cancel my order and get that instead… the Touch doesn't have the camera, bluetooth, Email, or Google Maps.

Matt Kingston | 4 Nov 2009