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Another Opening, Another Show

Hit or Miss

Another Opening, Another Show

I don’t know how I ever had time to start this blog in the first place during RA training 8 years ago.

Tomorrow is Freshmen Move-In day. Each year I feel more rushed and less prepared than the year before, but it usually ends up running smoother each time. As some of my close friends know, I’m hoping this will be my last opening as a RHD…

4 responses so far (Respond)


Good luck! … er, Break a leg!

Silus Grok | 22 Aug 2007

I hope for you this will be your last year, too. (Sorry I won’t be there to help out this year, but I’ll be working orientation…and being paid handsomely for it…as far as university hourly wages go…)

ay | 23 Aug 2007

Happy 8th.

Morrie | 27 Aug 2007

Happy 8th.

Morrie | 4 Nov 2009