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The Woman in White

Hit or Miss

The Woman in White

Last night Jeff and I caught the new still-in-previews Andrew Lloyd Webber show, The Woman in White. It’s not up to the level of his other shows, but it’s interesting to see what is basically the prototype of the modern detective story (the original novel was written in 1860).

What’s really cool about the show is that all the scenery is projected on cycloramas around the stage (I’m sure Jon would be horrified). The buildings and landscapes are 3D computer animated and the camera’s eye flies to each new location. It was like watching a walkthrough of Myst, and I got a little motion sick due to the constantly spinning turntable.

On the “inappropriately fancy physical production vs. quality of the material” scale, the show sits snuggly between Wildhorn’s Dracula and In My Life.

Update: Here’s an article from the NYTimes about the scenery.

3 responses so far (Respond)


Someone at work said it was the worst disaster he’s ever seen on stage.

Andy | 16 Nov 2005

i saw the load in. i was horrified and was even more when i saw the nyt article. Good god, it looks like a primative Halo onstage. And without all that juicy slaughter to spice things up. Well. Like the remake of Psycho, some things just HAVE to be done so we can all look at them and say “ok, great. that was nice, and now no one EVER has to do that again.”

jwc | 18 Nov 2005

i saw the load in. i was horrified and was even more when i saw the nyt article. Good god, it looks like a primative Halo onstage. And without all that juicy slaughter to spice things up. Well. Like the remake of Psycho, some things just HAVE to be done so we can all look at them and say “ok, great. that was nice, and now no one EVER has to do that again.”

jwc | 4 Nov 2009