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Sixth Blogiversary

Hit or Miss

Sixth Blogiversary

Six years and almost 2500 posts later, I’m still blogging.

The anniversary always comes around during the start of the academic year, when I’m too busy to post a lot. This year finds me the most burnt out I’ve ever been before and once again questioning my career choice of working in college housing.

But my 31st birthday is less than 2 weeks away. And Jeff and I will be celebrating the second anniversary of our first date in about a month. So, I’m content to continue the status quo.

4 responses so far (Respond)


Congratulations on the anniversary! It’s odd to hear you point out that it’s been that long, since I must have been reading you for most of that time. Yours was one of the first blogs I stumbled on, back when you were still pursuing your library science degree, I think. I’m very glad you’re still around.

Chris | 31 Aug 2005

A very happy 6th!

Kevin | 31 Aug 2005

Congrats from me as well, your blog was the very first blog I started reading, back when you were at IU. I miss the webcam though- I really enjoyed it.

Sherrie | 31 Aug 2005

Hooray! Happy Hit-or-Miss Day!

Jason | 2 Sep 2005