24 Mar 2005
New Digs
Back when everyone was linking to the Amazon Yellow Pages’ new “block view” photo feature and Mikel Maron’s Run up and down the street page, I sat on the links because I wanted to blog something specific which wasn’t official yet.
I’m happy to finally announce that I’ll be moving this summer from the Financial District to West 8th Street to manage another New School residence hall, Marlton House (a famous former flop-house where Jack Kerouac, Lenny Bruce, Lillian Gish, and Ecuadoran President Galo Plaza all lived). I’m giving up a larger apartment and an in-house laundry room, but I’ll be in the heart of Greenwich Village and around the corner from both the Arch in Washington Square Park and the Duplex.
So, here’s what my new street looks like.
I am so coming to visit!
MP | 27 Mar 2005