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In Over My Head

Hit or Miss

In Over My Head

Today and tomorrow, I’m participating in Lia Bulaong’s hello, can you see me?, a group moblog event sharing the lives of 24 people over 48 hours in New York City. And I’m doing a pretty piss-poor job so far. I’m starting to think that I just don’t have a photographer’s eye. Or my surrounding are too boring, or it’s too cold to pull out my cameraphone.

This coming Tuesday, February 22, Jeff and I are singing the Beethoven Mass in C at Carnegie Hall, along with other members of our chorus. I’ve been trying to teach myself the music and it’s fiendishly more difficult than I had originally thought.

3 responses so far (Respond)


I don’t think you’re doing such a “piss-poor job”.

I was just listening to the Beethoven Mass in C! We sang it in college (I was tenor II; 65% of my part I still remember). Is it the fugal parts at the end of the Gloria and Credo?

Angelo | 18 Feb 2005

The way to develop a “photographer’s eye” is to practice “seeing” as much as possible. There are two secrets to it as well. The first is to think before you shoot. The second is to be discreet about what you let others see. If you choose only your best work (or what you consider to be your best work at the time you’re choosing) and throw away the rest, you’ll look like you’re a better photographer than you are. It works for me!

And I have no complaints about your pictures. It’s a slice of life that’s quite a bit different from mine, which I think is the purpose of the exercise.

Ted | 18 Feb 2005

I don't think you're doing such a “piss-poor job”.

I was just listening to the Beethoven Mass in C! We sang it in college (I was tenor II; 65% of my part I still remember). Is it the fugal parts at the end of the Gloria and Credo?

Angelo | 4 Nov 2009