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Hit or Miss


I wanted to test out the new Theme capabilities of WordPress 1.5, so I adapted the Benevolence Theme by Theron Parlin for use on my weblog. I know this redesign still has some problems on the Mac (which I can see now thanks to my Mac Mini), so I’ll be continuing to work on it over the next few days.

2 responses so far (Respond)


Nice adaptation of Benevolence, very cool! I read your profile, I’m jealous that you live in NYC, I used to go there with my wife almost every weekend when I lived in southern Connecticut but I haven’t been there in a while.



Theron Parlin | 12 Feb 2005

Hi Matt:

Congrats on an excellent adaptation of Benevolence. I’m using it too for my podcasting site Caribbean Free Radio (http://www.caribbeanfreeradio.com) and was wondering if you knew how I could make the blog title in the header invisible.


Georgia | 28 Feb 2005