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Chang Chang Changity Chang Shoo Bop.

Hit or Miss

Chang Chang Changity Chang Shoo Bop.

Rehearsals for Grease have been kind of weird. I’m just in three chorus numbers and so far we’ve only meet twice for 30 minutes each time to sing through the sheet music. For tomorrow night, I want to have We Go Together memorized, but it’s a bastard of a song to learn with all those “shoo-bop sha whada whadda yippidy boom da booms.” Where was I when everyone my age listened to the soundtrack everyday and learned the songs by heart? (Oh, that’s right — I was listening to Sondheim).

Now I just have to find someone with a black leather jacket I can borrow. I’ve already got the Chucks.

3 responses so far (Respond)


Matt, I’ve got a black leather jack you can borrow but you live too far away.

john | 3 Jul 2001

That’s why FedEx is so popular.

; )

Vis10n | 3 Jul 2001

do you need whips too Matt?

john | 3 Jul 2001