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The Subway Diet

Hit or Miss

The Subway Diet

One of our RAs at Collins is dating Jared Fogle, an Indiana University student who lost 245 pounds last year by eating only Subway subs everyday.

For lunch, he’d eat a 6 inch turkey sub (no mayo, cheese, or oil and vinegar), Baked Lays, and a Diet Coke for lunch, and for dinner, a footlong Veggie sub and Diet Coke.  Now that he’s reached 185 (from 445 lbs), he keeps the weight off by walking and not snacking.

Subway just filmed a commerical with him, which will start airing nationally next week.  Tonight he was interviewed on Indianapolis TV, but because his girlfriend was on duty at the center desk, he came up to my room to watch the news broadcast.  He’s supposed to be on ROSIE and The Tonight Show next week.  I predict his story will be fairly popular with viewers – lose weight eating only fast food!