Warning: Declaration of ThemeSwitcherWidget::update($new_instance) should be compatible with WP_Widget::update($new_instance, $old_instance) in /home/kingston/hitormiss/wp-content/plugins/theme-switcher/theme-switcher.php on line 0

Hit or Miss

How to move a window when its title bar is off the screen

How to move a window when its title bar is off the screen: So annoying. I had an IM window stuck halfway off-screen for several days and each time that same person IMed me, the window came back in the same place.

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Search Dialogue Opens When Double Clicking a folder

Search Dialogue Opens When Double Clicking a folder: This was driving me crazy. Every time I double clicked on a folder, a search window popped open. To fix it, you run “REGSVR32 /i SHELL32.DLL” at the command prompt.


Generate a File Listing from a Windows Explorer Context Menu

Generate a File Listing from a Windows Explorer Context Menu

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