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Hit or Miss — Use Topically, Repeat Daily

Hit or Miss

Star Trek (Trailer)

Star Trek (Trailer): The new STAR TREK trailer is cool and all, but why does the Enterprise look like the interior of Mode Magazine on UGLY BETTY?

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Gunman Kills 15 Potential Voters In Crucial Swing State [The Onion]

Gunman Kills 15 Potential Voters In Crucial Swing State [The Onion]: Given the focus on undecided voters in this election, something like this doesn’t sound quite so […]

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Pipe Wrench Fight!

Pipe Wrench Fight!: A literal take on “Take On Me” (YouTube).

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History of the browser user-agent string

History of the browser user-agent string

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Obama & McCain tax cut plans redrawn to scale

Obama & McCain tax cut plans redrawn to scale

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John McCain Gets BarackRoll’d

John McCain Gets BarackRoll’d

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Obama & McCain at Columbia University

I heard a rumor the other day that Columbia was trying to get Obama & McCain to appear on campus, since they will both be in New York for 9/11 next week.  And lo and behold, CU pulled it off.  Instead of a debate, it’ll be another Rick Warren-style set of back-to-back interviews.  There will be a students-only lottery for tickets and I have theatre tickets that night anyway, but I’m still trying to figure out if there’s a way I can volunteer to attend as a staff member…

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Anthropomorphic Cannibalism

Anthropomorphic Cannibalism: Food so good that it actually eats itself.

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9 years

Okay, so I rarely post anymore.  Reading my old entries makes me wince.  But I’m still pretty proud of myself for keeping this website up for 9 years.*

* I originally wrote 10 years because I apparently cannot do basic subtraction.


Cake Wrecks

Cake Wrecks: Every time I visit this site I laugh so hard I cry and can’t breathe.

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