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Hit or Miss

Rosie O’Donnell aired Barbra Streisand’s pro-Gore speech today. And (at least on my local station) every single commercial break featured a scathing anti-Gore commercial from the Bush campaign.

Way to stick up for what you believe in Rosie.

2 responses so far (Respond)


How much control over those ads does Rosie have? I mean, aren’t there equal time laws that govern those sorts of things?

David | 7 Nov 2000

The national networks and local channels sell the commercial time. I’m sure that when the Bush campaign heard about the pro-Gore speech being aired, they decided to buy ad time in each of the commericial breaks. But while Streisand’s speech was pro-Gore/pro-liberal Supreme Court (and didn’t necessarily attack Bush), Bush’s ads were pretty scathing against Gore. I’m surprised Gore didn’t buy any commercial time himself.

And again – this was just on my local channel. It may have been completely different in other markets. Missouri is still hotly contested and could go either way today, so I’m sure the Bush campaign was panicking and making last ditch efforts.

Matt | 7 Nov 2000