Warning: Declaration of ThemeSwitcherWidget::update($new_instance) should be compatible with WP_Widget::update($new_instance, $old_instance) in /home/kingston/hitormiss/wp-content/plugins/theme-switcher/theme-switcher.php on line 0 KonoPizza
the reason why Konopizza is not in the US is that Crispycones is the origial develoer of the product and the owner of Pizzacono tradmark as well as Conopizza URL.
Crispycones open its first store in LA and will come to NYC soon. http://www.crispycones.com
Anonymous | 10 Jun 2006the reason why Konopizza is not in the US is that Crispycones is the origial develoer of the product and the owner of Pizzacono tradmark as well as Conopizza URL.
Crispycones open its first store in LA and will come to NYC soon.