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Palm Pre on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Hit or Miss

Palm Pre on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

The Palm Pre showed up on Jimmy Fallon on Monday.

This phone cannot come out fast enough. I know I’m always mooning over the next It-phone (hello, iPhone), but this is the one I’m totally getting.

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3 responses so far (Respond)


won’t that require (another?) provider switch?

ay | 11 Mar 2009

Actually, no (I never ended up getting an iPhone). The Pre will be on Sprint, which I’m currently still rocking my out-of-contract Treo 700p on…

admin | 11 Mar 2009

Actually, no (I never ended up getting an iPhone). The Pre will be on Sprint, which I'm currently still rocking my out-of-contract Treo 700p on…

admin | 4 Nov 2009