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Tap, tap… anyone still here?

Hit or Miss

Tap, tap… anyone still here?

So I’ve been ignoring my blog, bigtime. Is this anyway to treat an almost-eight year old?

I figure if I create a graph of my posting frequency, maybe it will motivate me to post more often:

Graph of posting frequency

Yep, it’s sure trailing off at the end there.

What have I been up to lately? Jeff and I went to London, saw a legend on stage, and got flagged down by Cash Cab.

I’ve also been consumed with running CastAlbums.org, which I launched with Mike in February (after working on it in secret for a year).

So will I get my ass in gear again with the blog? Who knows. I’m getting tired of my students trying to school me on what a blog is when they mention the word. If they only knew…

7 responses so far (Respond)


whoa…you were flagged down by Cash Cab? That’s awesome! I (and by extension, my mother) love that show! I’ve always kept my eye open for a mini-van cab with the host driving so I could flag him down and pretend i needed to be at a friend’s as far away as I could think of…

Now that I have an apt on the UES, I can always pretend I need to either be there or at school if I see him going by and that should give me a decent sized cab ride to win lots of cash! (But if I need a fake-lifeline, I think I’m calling Jeff, not you…sorry, Matt.)

ay | 15 Jul 2007

* waves hand *

I’m here!

Silus Grok | 15 Jul 2007

Me too! I think I’m going to be reading until one of us dies.

Also, incidentally, I just recently posted this image, from a certain roll of film shot in 2005 that I only recently developed when I got it out of a camera that may or may not have been broken.

Jason | 16 Jul 2007

And wait, they try to school you? Oh har har. I mean, I get where they’re coming from, but yeah, freaking school them back. 🙂

Jason | 16 Jul 2007

Matt!! I’m so glad to see an update! But now I’m going to read all about Cash Cab on Jeff’s blog.

And how’s The New School? Lose any more RHDs?

Katie | 16 Jul 2007

I’ve been reading since you were at IU, though I miss the old webcam. I am straight up green with envy over your brush with the greatness that is Cash Cab!

Sherrie | 26 Jul 2007

Clearly, you and I need to work together again, since you posted a LOT back then.

Bob | 12 Aug 2007