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More men taking wives’ last names

Hit or Miss

More men taking wives’ last names

More men taking wives’ last names: I’ve had a couple of friends do this. When Jeff and I get married, our new last name will be “Slut-King.”

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4 responses so far (Respond)


If I were straight I would definitely consider taking my wife’s family name…and if it was cooler than mine.

Luke | 29 Mar 2007

I have friends who did that; the bride’s name was way cooler than the groom’s, and the groom didn’t like his family, anyway.

I also would happily abandon my last name, especially since it turns out my father was illegitimate, anyway.

Andy | 2 Apr 2007


goblinbox | 10 Apr 2007

I have friends who did that; the bride's name was way cooler than the groom's, and the groom didn't like his family, anyway.

I also would happily abandon my last name, especially since it turns out my father was illegitimate, anyway.

Andy | 4 Nov 2009