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Good things come to those who can wait

Hit or Miss

Good things come to those who can wait

I’ve been coveting the Simple Human profile can for quite a while. It’s perfect for using grocery sacks as trashbags, because I refuse to pay for trashbags when grocery sacks are “free.” Of course, I’m such a cheapskate that I’d never pay $25 for freaking trashcan.

All it took was a little waiting… one of the students moving out of my residence hall today left one behind and I was able to snag it. Score!

2 responses so far (Respond)


Congratulation for finding a new, used can that can be seen as gift from the previous owner.
I guess the can could tell a story about the previous owner, if you look closer a it.

Marina loves pictures | 17 May 2006

You know, Matt, you could have just bought some 99 cent coffee mug hooks and stuck those on the side of a regular-sized bathroom trash can. Then you could spray paint it silver and black, and nobody would know the difference.

Then again, free is cheaper than 99 cents. What do I know?


Bob | 23 May 2006