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Broadway on YouTube

Hit or Miss

Broadway on YouTube

Who knew that YouTube hosted more than home movies and viral videos?

I was looking for news about the upcoming film version of Dreamgirls and found the following video clips on YouTube:

There’s tons of clips from Wicked, Rent, and Phantom of the Opera; but YouTube also has some more deliciously obscure clips. Here’s a few highlights:

Old commercials for 3 Broadway Shows:

Of course, there’s still plenty of mind-bogglingly odd home movies:

3 responses so far (Respond)


Wow, great finds!

Rebel Prince | 29 Jan 2006

Love the Wicked clips! Had to share that with my friends immediately.

Jay | 1 Feb 2006

This is awsome! I never knew about youtube until just now… (guess I’ve been living in a hole)

Kris | 14 Feb 2006