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The Downfall of American Idol?

Hit or Miss

The Downfall of American Idol?

What’s up with Simon this season? After watching him compliment a string of contestants, Jeff asked “Was he visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley?”

The show doesn’t really work with all three judges being nice.

3 responses so far (Respond)


The show doesn’t really even begin to register with me until they get down to the top 10 or 12, whichever they’re doing this year. I can’t keep track of all these mostly generic pop singers yet and won’t care till there are fewer of them to figure out.

Jere | 3 Mar 2005

People only like you to say something nice. They can not take the trouth.
Most of the things said by Simon (whether the tone was not soft) was correct.
Some of the contestants that are now left the songs they sang were so morbid it took away from their talent.
This world is too fild with hipotrites.
Example. If you say to someone are you loosing weight that is suppose to be nice. But — if you as someone if they are gaining weight those next to you would ask you how could you be so cruel.

NAOMI | 16 Mar 2005

I actually like the auditions better than the actual top12. Although, im rooting for Anwan to go all the way.

trench | 20 Mar 2005