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On stage at Carnegie Hall

Hit or Miss

On stage at Carnegie Hall

View from the stage at Carnegie Hall

Jeff and I have spent 10 hours over the past 3 days rehearsing as ringers for a performance tonight of Beethoven’s Mass in at Carnegie Hall. As Jeff already blogged, there was a little bit of drama with the organizers not introducing us as members of the Gay Gotham Chorus because two of the participating choruses are from Baptist colleges in the deep South. But after rehearsing with them and an ill-behaved high school chorus from South Carolina, I’m glad we didn’t have to deal with any drama our outing might have caused. I just want this performance to be over with!

But stepping out onto the stage of Carnegie Hall today for the dress rehearsal made it all worth while. Wish us luck at our performance tonight!

1 response so far (Respond)


Best o’ luck at Carnegie. I’ve performed there myself, with the DePauw choir, back in 1998.

Josh | 23 Feb 2005