Warning: Declaration of ThemeSwitcherWidget::update($new_instance) should be compatible with WP_Widget::update($new_instance, $old_instance) in /home/kingston/hitormiss/wp-content/plugins/theme-switcher/theme-switcher.php on line 0
TiVo Scripts

Hit or Miss

TiVo Scripts

Current TiVo Activity:
Recording “; }
print “$title”;
if ($eptitle) { print ” ($eptitle)”; }
if ($desc) { print “: $descn”; }

I’ve had a 30hr Philips TiVo for over 2 years now and it has completely changed the way that I watch television. Below are a couple of fun and interesting TiVo links.

Using the TiVo webserver installed on my TiVo, I pull a copy of the To Do and Now Showing lists to my linux server every 30 minutes.

Here’s the scripts (for use with TiVoWeb 1.9.4). Put them in your TiVoWeb modules subdirectory and restart TiVoWeb. They should show up on your main menu.

Next, I have a cron job that runs a php script hourly and pulls the data from the TiVoWeb website and saves it in a local file (ex. grab_current.php). Then, the php template of my website opens those files and shows the information.

Just for the record, I make no promises with these modules. Don’t blame me if they fry your TiVo. Proceed at your own risk.

5 responses so far (Respond)


I am getting this error message when trying to access the Parseable Current:

--cut here--
action_includecurrent '/' ''
expected integer but got "931962 286225:12847:00000:86400:0:931962 tyDb"
while executing
"db $db openid $fsid"
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {
set stationday [db $db openid $fsid]
set showings [dbobj $stationday get Showing]
foreach showing $showings {
(procedure "::action_includecurrent" line 39)
invoked from within
"::action_$action $chan $part $env"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {::action_$action $chan $part $env}"
--cut here--

This is what happens when I try to access Parseable Now Showing:

--cut here--
action_includenowshowing '/' ''
can't read "nowshowingdir": no such variable
while executing
"ForeachMfsFileTrans fsid name type $nowshowingdir "" 15 {
set rec [db $db openid $fsid]
print_nsrow $chan $rec
(procedure "::action_includenowshowing" line 6)
invoked from within
"::action_$action $chan $part $env"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {::action_$action $chan $part $env}"
--cut here--

I am using TivoWebPlus v1.0. Season Pass and To Do List seem to be working OK.

T | 6 Mar 2005

links for 2005-03-13

hitormiss.org: TiVo Scripts i want a tivo webserver so I can show this stuff on collectives. maybe I can…

kdlb-links | 13 Mar 2005

Broadcatching Feed

I added a feed on the right to show the last couple of shows that I’ve gotten using RSS +…

Jon’s Thoughts On Everything | 23 Mar 2005

Now showing w/o tivoweb and a pie chart.

Chris | 28 May 2005

[…] My system is medium sized, 120GB, but it holds more than enough material for my wife and I. One of the best features is the ability to set the box to record ‘Season Passes’ for specific shows. Basically, this allows you to tell the box what to record, not when to record. It figures that out for itself. While doing some searching, I came across an article from Matt Haughey where he listed the output of his TiVo in his blog. I thought is was a great idea, so I grabbed the scripts from Hitormiss and went to work. […]

ramblings of an uberdork » Blog Archive » tivo takes a holiday | 31 Mar 2006