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Fall Back

Hit or Miss

Fall Back

It’s time once again to set the clocks backs for Daylight Savings Time on Sunday morning at 2am. I’m already feeling pretty gloomy with it getting dark as early as it does, and now it will be a whole hour earlier. I am so not a creature of the night.

At least I can look forward to Cher’s annual appearance on the posters I hang up around my dorm.

3 responses so far (Respond)


Oh. My. GOD, I hate it when the clocks change. I loathe and despise it. Ugh.

P.S. Love your poster. Hehe.

Mush | 29 Oct 2005

Twice a year, the clock change is like having a case of jet lag without the bother and hassle of going anywhere!

Ted | 29 Oct 2005

Is that your subtle way of “converting” the impressionable little students?

Michael | 1 Nov 2005