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Lawsuit waiting to happen

Hit or Miss

Lawsuit waiting to happen

Lawsuit waiting to happen

My friend Ellen and I were at the Atlantic Ave subway stop and saw a guy fall after stepping into this hole in the ground (it was right at the end of a flight of stairs).

Being the helpful Residence Life people we are, we helped him up and guarded the hole (so no one else would fall in it) for almost half-an-hour before the MTA guy showed up to fix it.

4 responses so far (Respond)


Wow – if you guys wasted half an hour just b’coz you selflessly cared about strangers – then just wow – I’m sure you’ve gotten booked for heaven.

Jon | 10 Jun 2005

if you drop a mic down there, you might here the voices of hell…

Fin | 11 Jun 2005

what lovely shoes.

jonwcollins | 14 Jun 2005

if you drop a mic down there, you might here the voices of hell…

Fin | 4 Nov 2009