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Missing Cube

Hit or Miss

Missing Cube

The enormous cube sculpture at Astor Place mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the night. Apparently, it’s in the shop for repairs.

I’ve never tried spinning the cube on its axis, but my favorite cube annecdote is about the folks who turned it into a giant Rubik’s cube.

3 responses so far (Respond)


As opposed to all those crappy cube annecdotes we have to listen to….

Michael | 10 Mar 2005

I had no idea that the Cube could be spun. Hey, Matt, when the cube returns, let’s go down and take it for a spin.

Jere | 10 Mar 2005

http://www.anzwers.net/hot/angelsex/6208045/ anywaymidriffsrelationship

intensity | 26 Oct 2005